Friday, June 20, 2008

Healthy Baby, Happy Baby

I have spent a lot of time researching baby products recently. It is amazing how much stuff we put on ourselves and on our children. Soaps, shampoos, lotions, diaper rash cream, baby wipes, sunscreen; the list goes on and on. And unfortunately, not all of the things that we put on ourselves are as harmless as companies would like us to think. Nice smelling baby products are full of chemicals that really should never be put on a human being, but especially a young child. One website that has been a blessing is The Environmental Working Group's "Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database". This is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help consumers find out what they are really putting on their skin. They rank thousands of products (about a quarter of the products on the market) on a scale from zero to ten on how harmful products are to your body and specifically explain why each ingredient is or is not harmful. If you're not too scared, type in some of the common skin products you use and find out where they rank. The website is This information has been crucial in determining what we decide to put on Cole. We have also made some changes in what we put on ourselves as well.

Not sure how "healthy" black ink is on your skin, but doing Cole's hand and footprints is a one-time shot, so I think he'll survive. Grandma and Grandpa Bentley helped Emily out with this task. Here is the video:

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